● 試題(66)~(70)給出了計算機英文術語的解釋,請從供選擇的參考答案中 選擇正確的術語。(66) : An
● 試題(66)~(70)給出了計算機英文術語的解釋,請從供選擇的參考答案中
(66) : An error can be caused by attempting to pide by 0.
A. Interrupt
B. Default
C. Underflow
D. Overflow
(67) : The process of identifying and correcting errors in a program.
A. Debug
B. Bug
C. Fault
D. Default
(68) : A collection of related information, organized for easy retrieval.
A. Data
. Database
C. Buffer
. Stack
(69) : A location where data can be temporarily stored.
A. Area
B. Disk
C. Buffer
D. File
(70 ) : A graphical bar with buttons that perform some of the most common commands.
A. Title bar
B. Tool bar
C. Status bar
D. Scroll bar