Female: I"ve got two tickets for a volleyball match this evening. Why don"t you come?
Male: Uh ... no, thanks. I ... I"m not very interested in volleyball.
Female: Oh, why not? Have you ever seen it played?
Male: No, I haven"t, but I really don"t th...
Female: That"s what I thought. You don"t know what you"re missing.
Male: Don"t I? Why?
Female: Because it"s very fast, with lots of action.
Male: Really? Who"s playing?
Female: Two of the best women"s teams in the world, one from Finland and the other from Belgium.
Male: Hmm. It sounds exciting.
Female: Yes, it is! Very!
Male: Hmm. Well, perhaps I"ll come after all.
Female: Good! Now ... uh ... could you ... uh ... could I have five pounds, please?
Male: Five pounds? What for?
Female: Your ticket, of course. I bought two of them in advance, hoping I"d persuade you to come with me.
Male: Oh ... uh ... You know, I"ve just remembered something.
Female: What?
Male: I"ve got to see some friends this evening.
Female: Oh ... I see ... I mean ... you won"t be coming, after all, then?
Male: No, not unless...
Female: Unless what?
Male: Perhaps you could let me have the ticket for a bit less? Let"s say three pounds.
Female: But you said you had to meet some friends!
Male: Come on. I was only joking. Here"s your five pounds. Of course I"ll come.